Optimization Analysis Of Regional Resources Potential In Kphl Ternate-Tidore North Maluku


Andy Kurniawan
Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia.
Soemarno, Cahyo Prayogo, Sujarwo
Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.


KPHL must have managerial capabilities, to make optimal use of the assets owned in their area, KPHL in carrying out management activities to generate income must be as an independent unit (self-financing management unit), so that the legality of ensuring investment activities and income management can be done independently. The potential of the Ternate-Tidore KPHL area is very large with a land cover dominated by forest, very diverse non-timber forest products, high potential for environmental services and natural tourism. This study aims to analyze the optimization of the natural resource potential of the Ternate-Tidore KPHL area. The research was conducted by processing map image data for land cover and field surveys using tracking lines to determine locations that have potential for environmental services and nature tourism as well as direct measurement observations in the field for potential timber and non-timber products, then processed the data and performed a SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the potential of NTFPs with a volume of 410,253.22 Ha, the diverse potential of NTFPs was dominated by bamboo with production (5,500 stems/year) with a total distribution area in the forest class of 3,723.63 Ha, and the mixed garden class of 4,273.43 Ha. The results of the SWOT analysis resulted in an optimization strategy, namely (1). Institutional and human resource development strategy, (2). Strategy of cooperation with relevant stakeholders in the processing of potential resources and (3). Marketing strategy of the results of potential resources with innovative technology creatively.