Generic Wrapper Based Model using Haralick Features for Silk Fabric Defect Classification


Ms. Shweta Loonkar, Ph.D., Research Scholar
NMIMS University Computer Engineering Department, MPSTME, Mumbai-56.
Dhirendra S. Mishra, Professor
NMIMS University Computer Engineering Department, MPSTME, Mumbai-56.
Surya S. Durbha, Professor
IIT, Mumbai CSRE, IIT Bombay Powai-76.


Quality control unit of fabric industry looks for the effective defect detection methodology. The research is required to be done in this area to develop such solution. Various models based on combination of suitable feature extraction, selection and classification approaches need to be experimented out for the same. This paper attempts to experiment and provide such models mainly based on generic wrapper based selection approaches. Widely used broader range of Haralick features are prominently used for detection and classification of defects in this research. It also attempts to identify the suitability of these features based on segmented images provided as an input. The research has been carried on TILDA Dataset consisting of 800 Silk Fabric Images with eight different defects present on it and each carrying 100 images per defect. Models generated using generic wrapper based approach has also been compared with the Gabor Transforms. Then identification of suitable Haralick Features for particular type of defects has been carried out. In this 68% classification accuracy has been achieved using generic wrapper method and 40 % accuracy has been achieved using Gabor Transform with respect to fourteen Haralick Features and seven types of defects.