The Use of Zinc Oxide (Zno)Nano Technology as An Alternative To Antibiotics in Veterinary Medicine Fields


Amanee Mohammed Radhy
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.


Zinc oxide (ZnO) is used in place of an alternative or toward reduce antibiotics, and it has stayedgenerally used in wound healing and numerous skin conditions. This is why nanotechnology has opened up significant, advanced, or new expansions in applications in nearly all disciplines of the general sciences, including veterinary and animal sciences. ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) consume recently gained wide devotion due to their single and distinct properties. ZnO NPs may have many applications due to their anti-bacterial, neoplastic, and wound-healing properties. Lots of recent research into the field of ZnO NPs and their potential for application in the fields of veterinary medicine.